Code Compliant Building Permits and Applications
Need a building permit for your facility? Let the Professional Engineers at RNW manage the process and apply on your behalf.

Whether it’s a building permit for your entire warehouse facility or an additional racking system, the Professional Engineers at RNW work with you to obtain the applicable permits, and ensure all safety regulations are met.

Obtain a Building Permit for your Warehouse Racking System
RNW’s professional engineers will manage the building permit process – preparing and submitting the necessary documentation on your behalf. The process covers floor slab capacity and evaluating the fire protection, egress and emergency lighting systems.
RNW specializes in pallet racking design and has the ability to obtain permits without costly redesigns or delays. Where a building permit already exists, a Building Code Compliance Report identifies areas where your facility is, and is not, compliant with all applicable regulations.
FAQ – Building Permits
What is included in RNW’s building permit submittal service?
Services include: analysis of the emergency lighting system, fire protection system, egress/exiting and floor slab capacity. RNW will complete all schedules, application reports and compliance reports. RNW will stamp drawings, visit the site once and the municipality once. The price includes all communication with the municipality up to the initial submission.
What is a Building Code Compliance Report?
Where a building permit already exists, a Building Code Compliance Report will identify specific areas where your business is, and is not, compliant with applicable regulations.
How much does the building permit submittal service cost?
Building permit prices are generally a function of the completeness of the client’s existing paperwork, and how much paperwork is left to be completed.