Rack Safety Inspection Services
Protect workers and avoid warehouse injuries and liabilities by conducting expert rack inspections.

RNW is the only rack engineering/inspection services firm to receive the full ISO 9001 certification.

RNW’s Expert Rack Inspectors
Founded in 2002 as Rack Net-Works, RNW is North America’s leader in pallet rack engineering and expert inspections. RNW’s inspectors are true experts with extensive training and years, and in many cases, decades of industry experience. Unlike most competitors, RNW’s engineers and inspectors provide fully independent advice – they are not trying to sell you new rack or repairs.
Each damage is assigned a trackable bar code number. Detailed photos are taken of each item. The extensively detailed inspection reports provide individual severity ratings for each damage. Specific recommendations are made as to how each damage should be repaired – or if replacement of the damaged part is the better option. All inspection reports are carefully reviewed and sealed by RNW’s professional engineers. We work throughout Canada and the United States on facilities of all sizes and complexities.
All expert inspections are carried out under the supervision of our Professional Engineers
FAQ – Inspections
Does my pallet racking have to be inspected?
Yes, Canadian regulations state that all facilities with pallet racking shall conduct regular inspections and it is recommended. American OSHA regulations state that all facilities must have a program for “systematic identification of workplace hazards”.
Can’t I just inspect the racking by myself?
Routine monthly inspections can be conducted by internal staff but annual (full) inspections are recommended to be conducted by outside experts. CSA A344 stipulates that an expert must specialize in pallet racking, have structural engineering knowledge, perspective that has been developed over many facilities and be under the supervision of a Professional Engineer (P.Eng).
How often should my racking be inspected?
This is determined by a Professional Engineer based on the characteristics of the specific facility. For most facilities, annual inspections are required.
What will RNW’s inspectors be looking for?
RNW searches for damages (such as those caused by lift trucks), missing parts (such as anchors or safety pins) and the overall integrity of the racking structure (alignment or out of plumb).
How long will RNW’s inspector(s) be on-site?
This can vary from a couple hours for a very small facility to a couple of weeks for a very large facility. In most cases a day is usually sufficient.
Will RNW “shut us down” if they find something unsafe?
No, but severe damages can sometimes require that the impacted bays be unloaded and taken out of service until they can be repaired.
How disruptive is the inspection? Do we have to stop work?
No, your business can operate uninterrupted.
Will the inspection report be stamped by a P.Eng (Professional Engineer)?
Yes, all reports are reviewed and sealed by a Professional Engineer who assumes responsibility for the content of the report.
Does RNW work at heights?
Although most inspections are conducted from the floor, RNW has staff trained in working at heights. RNW also has specialized rope-access personnel when access from the ceiling is required.
How are the individual damages tracked and identified?
Each damage is assigned a trackable bar code number that is applied by sticker to the racking and recorded electronically by RNW.
How does RNW assess the severity of the damages that are found?
All damages are rated on a color-coded (green – yellow – red) and numerical scale from 1 (minor/cosmetic) to 9 (major/highly dangerous).
How much does an inspection cost?
Expert inspection costs vary based on the size of the facility and the condition of the racking. The cost of an expert rack inspection is often comparable to the annual cost of fire extinguisher inspections.
Practical Learning Exercise for Attendees of Virtual Training

If you have attended one of our virtual training sessions, the Site Services Technician (CSST) that conducts your Expert Inspection will be able to conduct a practical learning exercise in your warehouse. At that time you will be able to ask questions about your rack, discuss the finding of the inspection, and refine your inspection skills. This service is complimentary for students that have attended the virtual training.